2016 Funeral Home and Cemetery Directory
2016 Funeral Home & Cemetery Directory
George H. H ewe l l and Son Funeral Homes
George H. Hewell II, President
4140 UNIVERSITY BLVD, SOUTH (904) 737-4855
4747 MAIN STREET (904) 355-9545
JACKSONVILLE CONT'D AC/904 Funerals By T S Warden, 4315 N Main St(32206). . . . . . . . . . . . 765-1234 888-765-1236 Fax (904) 765-1549 FUNERALS BY T.S. WARDEN 1-888-765-1236 $ 595 STANDARD SHIP-OUT STANDARD CREMATION Graham, James, Mortuary, 3631 Moncrief Rd(32209) . . . . . . . . 766-0436 Fax (904) 766-6494 Graham, Marion, Mortuaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358-3949 900 A Philip Randolph Blvd(32206) Fax (904) 358-8784 Graham, Marion, Mortuaries, 1504 Gandy St(32208) . . . . . . . . 765-0310 Fax (904) 358-8784 Greenlawn Funeral Home & Cemetery, 4300 Beach Blvd(32207) 396-2522 Fax (904) 399-0105 Hardage-Giddens Chl Hill F H, 850 Saint Johns Blf Rd N(32225). 641-9755 Fax (904) 641-1755 Hardage-Giddens Funeral Homes, 517 Park St(32204). . . . . . . . 355-5641 Fax (904) 354-3019 Hardage-Giddens Funeral Homes, 4115 Hendricks Ave(32207) . 346-3808 Fax (904) 398-4673 Hardage-Giddens Funeral Homes, 4315 N Main St(32206) . . . . 356-6585 Fax (904) 358-8433 Hardage-Giddens Funeral Homes, 11801 San Jose Blvd(32223) . 288-0025 Fax (904) 260-6735 Hardage-Giddens Funeral Homes, 5753 Blanding Blvd(32244). . 777-5727 Fax (904) 537-6273 Hardage-Giddens Funeral Homes, 729 Edgewood Ave S(32205) 388-2711 Fax (904) 388-4427
Hardage-Giddens Oaklawn Funl Hm & Cmtry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 737-7171 4801 San Jose Blvd(32207) Fax (904) 737-5924 Hardage-Giddens Town & Country Funl Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . 781-9262 7242 Normandy Blvd(32205) Fax (904) 781-0211 Harris Mortuary, 2261 Edison Ave(32204). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598-9808 877-942-7733 Fax (904) 598-9991 Harris Mortuary, 8967 Lem Turner Rd(32208) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 764-4434 877-942-7733 Fax (904) 764-4465 H ELM- G ALLAGHER F UNERAL H OME & C REMATION S ERVICES $895.00 Complete Ship Out Including Combo Unit Serving Duval, Clay, St. John’s & Surrounding Counties 904.284.9696 Fax 904.284.5831 www.helmgallagherfh.com 1811 Idlewild Avenue • GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FL 32043 Affiliated with Jones-Gallagher Funeral Home Starke & Keystone Heights Hewell, George H, & Son Funeral Homes, 4747 Main St(32206) 355-9545 Fax (904) 353-0763 (See Ad Top of Page) Hewell, George H, & Son F Hms, 4140 University Blvd S(32216) 737-4855 Fax (904) 739-8159 (See Ad Top of Page) JACKSONVILLE CONT'D NEXT PAGE
SERVING N.E. FLORIDA Kotrady - Hudgins - Croyle ST. JOHNS FAMILY FUNERAL HOME & CREMATORY S T. AUGUS T I NE ’ S ONLY ON - S I T E CREMATORY 3 8 5 STATE ROAD 2 0 7 • ST. AUGUST I NE , FLOR I DA 3 2 0 8 4 904-824-1625 • Fax 904-824-8906 Website: www.stjohnsfamilyfuneralhome.com Call Toll Free 1-866-427-6953 LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS George M. Kotrady • Randy Hudgins • Gary Croyle, Sr. If you are not completely satisfied with any of our services you will not be charged for that portion of service.
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