2016 Funeral Home and Cemetery Directory
2016 Funeral Home & Cemetery Directory
HUDSON–Pasco Co AC/727 [24,30] 34667
JACKSONVILLE–Duval Co AC/904 [8]
Population 12,765 Dobies Funeral Homes, 9944 Hudson Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 868-4441 877-769-7555 Fax (727) 938-6579
Population 735,617
877-769-7555 (727) 868-4441 Five Locations Serving: Hudson, Spring Hill, Brooksville, Aripeka, Bayonet Point & Port Richey
DOBIES FUNERAL HOMES Locally Owned by Thomas B. Dobies, LFD
1-800-835-5185 JACKSONVILLE
Grace Meml Gardens Cemetery & Funl Hm, 16931 US Hwy 19 . 863-5471 Fax (727) 869-0038 National Cremation & Burial Society, 13011 US Highway 19 . . . 847-4745 800-627-7456 Fax (727) 861-1812 Prevatt Funeral Home, 7709 State Road 52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 863-3700 800-863-2850 Fax (727) 862-9119 IMMOKALEE–Collier Co AC/239 [16] 34142 O Population 19,763 Brister Funeral Home, 221 N 3rd St . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657-3500 Fax (239) 657-4542 INDIAN HARBOUR BEACH–Brevard Co AC/321 [14,18] 32937G Population 8,152 Beach F H & Crm Srvs, 1689 South Patrick Dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777-4640 Fax (321) 777-4642 INTERLACHEN–Putnam Co AC/386 [19] 32148 A D Population 1,475 Johnson-Overturf Funl Home & Crematory, Hwy 20 W . . . . . . . 684-3360 (See Ad Palatka) Masters Funeral Home, 1207 State Rd 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 684-4177 888-889-2946 Fax (386) 325-3311 INVERNESS–Citrus Co AC/352 [2,17] M Population 6,789 Cason Funeral & Cremation Services, 209 E Dampier St(34450). 726-2931 800-305-2931 Fax (352) 796-3135 Davis, Charles E, Funeral Home Inc, 3075 S Florida Ave(34450) . 726-8323 800-843-7576 Fax (352) 726-8944
813-854-2014 FAX: 800-705-7505
112 Bayview Blvd. Oldsmar, FL 34677 ambassadorms@tampabay.rr.com
Arlington Park Cem & F H, 6920 Lone Star Rd(32211) . . . . . . . 724-6384 Fax (904) 727-3410 Brown, Harry, Funeral Dirs & Crmtn Serv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551-1790 2719 Edgewood Ave W(32209) Fax (904) 551-1725 Buggs-Bellamy Funeral Service, 2936 Jerry Ln(32218) . . . . . . . . 768-5000 Fax (904) 768-5282 Carter's, Sarah L, Funeral Home Inc, 2212 Emerson St(32207) . 399-4150 Fax (904) 399-4159 Carthage Chapel, 929 W Beaver St(32204). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354-0545 Fax (904) 358-0167 Cedar Bay Funeral Home, 405 New Berlin Rd(32218) . . . . . . . . 714-1110 Fax (904) 714-0616 Coleman, A B, Mortuary & Crmtn Servs Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768-0507 5660 Moncrief Rd(32209) Fax (904) 766-5514 A. B. Coleman Mortuary & Cremation Services, Inc. “Our aim is not to equal, but excel” Andrew B. Coleman, III, L.F.D. (904) 768-0507 Fax (904) 766-5514 SHIPPING SERVICES NFDA 5660 Moncrief Road FFDA JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32209 Corey-Kerlin F Hms & Crm PA, 1426 Rowe Ave(32208). . . . . . . 768-2596 Fax (904) 766-8302 Corey-Kerlin F Hms & Crm PA, 940 Cesery Blvd(32211) . . . . . . 744-8422 Fax (904) 743-4941
NFDA Rotary Kiwanis Elks Lions
Heinz Funeral Home & Cremation, 2507 Highway 44 W(34453) 341-1288 Fax (352) 341-0494 CHAS E. DAVIS FUNERAL HOME, Inc. With Crematory Inverness, FL 1-800-843-7576 Fax (352) 726-8944
David P. Heinz Heinz Funeral Home & Cremation (352) 341-1288 INVERNESS • HOMOSASSA 2507 Hwy 44 West • Inverness FL 34453
COREY-KERLIN FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY P.A. www.corey-kerlin.com 1426 Rowe Avenue JACKSONVILLE, FL 32208 (904) 768-2596 Fax (904) 766-8302 940 Cesery Blvd. JACKSONVILLE, FL 32211 (904) 744-8422 Fax (904) 743-4941
Heinz Family
Hooper Funeral Homes & Crematory, 501 W Main St(34450) . . 726-2271 888-746-6737 Fax (352) 726-1801
Eternity F H And Crm, 4856 Oakdale Ave(32207) . . . . . . . . . . . 348-5579 Fax (904) 348-5534 First Coast Funeral Home, 5958 Merrill Rd(32277) . . . . . . . . . . 249-1166 866-595-3487 Fax (904) 246-2166 Fralin, J E, & Sons Funeral & Crem Srvs, 5065 Soutel Dr(32208) 924-9400 Fax (904) 924-9349 Fraser Funeral Home, 8168 Normandy Blvd(32221) . . . . . . . . . 781-4314 Fax (904) 786-4400 JACKSONVILLE CONT'D NEXT PAGE
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