2016 Funeral Home and Cemetery Directory
2016 Funeral Home & Cemetery Directory
Colorado Family Owned & Operated NFDA www.aspenmortuaries.com CFDA
6370 Union Street A RVADA/ W HEATRIDGE 303-422-8882 - FAX 303-422-9754
6580 E. 73rd Avenue C OMMERCE C ITY/ B RIGHTON 303-287-0495 - FAX 303-287-1752
1350 Simms Street L AKEWOOD/ G OLDEN 303-232-0985 - FAX 303-232-1102
DENVER CONT'D AC/303 or 720 Feldman Mortuary Inc, 1673 York St(80206) . . . . . . . . . . . 303/322-7764 Fax (303) 377-3319 Front Range Mort Srv, 2390 S Kalamath St Unit A(80223) . 720/217-4867 Fax (720) 230-5490
DURANGO–La Plata Co AC/970 [7] 81301
Population 13,922 Hood Mortuary, 1261 E Third Ave. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247-2312 Fax (970) 247-4225 EADS–Kiowa Co AC/719 [15,20] 81036 A Population 747 Brown Funeral Home, 1109 Hickman St . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438-2225 800-440-2850 Fax (877) 478-0922 ELIZABETH–Elbert Co AC/303 80107 Population 1,434 Elizabeth Funeral Home & Crematory LLC, 243 Sprouse Ct . . . . 646-0003 Fax (303) 841-7683 ENGLEWOOD–Arapahoe Co AC/303 [6] B Population 31,727 Bullock Mortuary, 1375 E Hampden Ave(80113)........ 789-2535 Fax (303) 762-8235 Legacy F Srvs, 9800 Mt Pyramid Ct Ste 400(80112) . . . . . . 877/615-3030 Fax (877) 719-3031 ESTES PARK–Larimer Co AC/970 [8,18] 80517 B Population 5,413 Allnutt Funeral Service(Estes Pk Chapel), 1302 Graves Ave . . . . 586-3101 800-530-8311 Fax (970) 586-8874 EVERGREEN–Jefferson Co AC/303 [6] 80439 B Population 9,216 Evergreen Mortuary, 26624 N Turkey Creek Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . 674-7750 800-686-7750 Fax (303) 674-9052 FLORENCE–Fremont Co AC/719 [3] 81226 A Population 3,653 Florence Mortuary, 120 N Pikes Peak Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 784-6389 Fax (719) 784-6380 Funeral & Cremation Care Of Colorado, 118 E Main St. . . . . . . 784-2370 Harwood Funeral Home, 225 E Main St . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 784-0832 Fax (719) 784-9468 FORT COLLINS–Larimer Co AC/970 [8] B Population 118,652 Allnutt F Service(Drake Rd Chapel), 650 W Drake Rd(80526) . . 482-3208 800-530-8311 Fax (970) 482-3369 Bohlender Funeral Chapel, 121 W Olive St(80524) . . . . . . . . . . 482-4244 Fax (970) 482-1356 Goes Funeral Care & Crematory, 3665 Canal Dr Unit E(80524) . 482-2221 Fax (970) 472-9245 Resthaven F H & Memory Grdns, 8426 S Hwy 287(80525) . . . . 667-0202 Fax (970) 667-3666 Vessey Funeral Service, 2649 E Mulberry St # A-1(80524) . . . . . 482-5065 Fax (970) 482-5458 FORT LUPTON–Weld Co AC/303 [13] 80621 B Population 6,787 Tabor-Rice Funeral Home Inc, 304 Denver Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . 857-2290 (See Ad Brighton)
720-217-4867 Email frcrbr@gmail.com 2390 S. Kalamath St., Denver, CO 80223
Funeraria Latina, 3020 Federal Blvd(80211) . . . . . . . . . . . . 303/996-0701 800-471-4418 Fax (303) 477-9756 Horan & McConaty F Srv, 3020 Federal Blvd(80211) . . . . . 303/477-1625 800-471-4418 Fax (303) 477-0609 Horan & McConaty F Srv, 1091 S Colorado Blvd(80246) . . 303/757-1238 800-471-4418 Fax (303) 759-1065
Monarch Society, 1534 Pearl St(80203) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303/837-8712 Fax (303) 837-0141 Olinger Hampden Mortuary & Cemetery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303/771-4636 8600 E Hampden Ave(80231) 888-654-6477 Fax (303) 843-9129 Olinger Moore Howard Chapel, 4345 W 46th Ave(80212) 303/433-6425 888-654-6477 Fax (303) 433-6428 Pipkin-Braswell Funls Crem & Receptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303/996-0869 6601 E Colfax Ave(80220) 800-471-4418 Fax (303) 996-0891 Romero Family Funeral Home, 4750 Tejon St(80211) . . . . . 303/964-8533 Fax (303) 433-3353 Shalom Funeral Center, 1091 S Colorado Blvd(80246). . . . 303/504-6266 800-471-4418 Fax (303) 759-1065 Taylor F & Crm Srvs, 2531 Ogden St(80205) . . . . . . . . . . . 303/996-9991 DIVIDE–Teller Co AC/719 [4] 80814 A Population 17,553 Mountain Memorial Funeral Home, 51 County Road 5 . . . . . . . 687-0333 Fax (719) 687-0334
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