2016 Funeral Home and Cemetery Directory
2016 Funeral Home & Cemetery Directory
VALLEJO–Solano Co AC/707 or 415 [64,62]
VICTORVILLE–San Bernardino Co AC/760 [44,65]
Population 116,760 Citizens Funeral Service, 1710 Tennessee St(94590). . . . . . 707/554-4833 Fax (707) 554-4834 Colonial Chapels, 1000 Redwood St(94590) . . . . . . . . . . . 707/643-0391 Fax (707) 643-7816 Royal Memories Funl & Crm Srvs, 1469 Alabama St(94590) 415/492-9900 Fax (415) 492-9903 Skyview Memorial Lawn, 200 Rollingwood Dr(94591) . . . . 707/644-7474 Fax (707) 644-1451 “Abbey of the Chimes” Skyview Memorial Lawn Mortuary-Cremation Call Collect For Information 707-644-7474 Complete Shipping and Receiving Service at Low Rates Serving the Entire Bay Area 200 Rollingwood VALLEJO, CA 94591 FD-1130 Struble Family Funeral Services, 515 Broadway St(94590) . 707/645-7555 Fax (707) 645-7550 Twin Chapels Mortuary, 1100 Tennessee St(94590) . . . . . . 707/552-6696 Fax (707) 552-5113 Wiggins-Knipp Funeral Home Inc, 524 Capitol St(94590) . 707/642-4459 Fax (707) 642-0865 WIGGINS-KNIPP FUNERAL HOME, INC. Established 1921 Catherine M. Wiggins 707-642-4459 Fax 642-0865 524 Capitol Street • Vallejo, CA 94590 CFDA FD-353 Population 169,440 Angeleno Mortuary, 5948 Van Nuys Blvd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 778-1788 888-495-5888 Fax (818) 786-4552 (See Ad North Hollywood) Funeraria Del Angel Praisewater, 5940 Van Nuys Blvd . . . . . . . . 785-8617 Fax (818) 785-9539 VENTURA–Ventura Co AC/805 [3] E Q Population 100,916 Carroll, Charles, Funeral Home, 15 Teloma Dr(93003) . . . . . . . . 642-8134 Fax (805) 642-5754 VENTURA COUNTY AREA SHIPPING SERVICE Ship Out / Ship In / Cremation 1-800-537-9592 818-349-9701 Fax 818-886-2089 CRAWFORD MORTUARY, 8717 Tampa Ave, Northridge, CA 91324 FD1228 Ivy Lawn Mem Park & F H, 5400 Valentine Rd(93003) . . . . . . . . 642-1055 Fax (805) 642-8648 Mayr, Ted, F H & Crm, 3150 Loma Vis Rd(93003) . . . . . . . . . . . 643-9977 Fax (805) 653-5731 Reardon, Joseph P, Funeral Home, 757 E Main St(93001). . . . . . 643-8623 Fax (805) 643-4129 Snyder’s Care Center and Embalming Service . . 909/985-0525 9320 Santa Anita Ave Ste 103, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 888-4-EMBALM Fax (866) 614-8320 (See Ad Los Angeles) Sunset Plan Funeral Directors, 755 Monte Vista Ave(93003) . . . 658-2124 800-400-1244 Fax (805) 654-8016 VAN NUYS–Los Angeles Co AC/818 [17,73] 91401 B E
Population 64,029 Desert View F H & Mem Park, 11478 Amargosa Rd(92392) . . . 244-0007 Fax (760) 949-4106 McKay's High Desert Funeral Home, 14444 7th St(92395) . . . . 951-4589 Victor Valley Mortuary Inc, 15609 Eleventh St(92395). . . . . . . . 245-8164 800-959-8164 Fax (760) 245-6481 VISALIA–Tulare Co AC/559 [67] E Population 91,565 Miller Memorial Chapel, 1120 W Goshen Ave(93291) . . . . . . . 732-8371 Fax (559) 732-0392 Salser & Dillard Funeral Chapel, 127 E Caldwell Ave(93277) . . . 635-1144 Fax (559) 635-8262 SALSER & DILLARD Funeral Chapel (559) 635-1144 Visalia’s Only Locally Owned & Owner Operated Funeral Chapel
VISTA–San Diego Co AC/760 [45] 92083
Population 89,857 Allen Brothers Mortuary Inc-Vista Chapel, 1315 S Santa Fe Ave 726-2555 Fax (760) 726-2563
WALNUT CREEK–Contra Costa Co AC/925 [68]
Population 64,296 DeerCreek Funeral Service, 1200 Mt Diablo Blvd #107(94596) . 934-9000 800-436-7890 Fax (510) 317-0933 Hull's Walnut Creek Chapel ......................................... 934-5400 1139 Saranap Ave(94595) Fax (925) 934-5406 Neptune Society Of Northern California . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 944-5100 1855 Olympic Blvd Ste 110(94596) 800-229-6773 Fax (925) 952-4809 Oak Park Hills Chapel, 3111 N Main St(94596) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 934-6500 Fax (925) 938-4808 WASCO–Kern Co AC/661 [1] 93280 A Population 21,263 Peters Funeral Homes, 1401 7th St . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 758-5144 Fax (661) 758-5146 (See Ad Bakersfield) WATSONVILLE–Santa Cruz Co AC/831 [55,69] 95076 P Population 44,265 Ave Maria Memorial Chapel, 609 Main St.................. 724-4751 Fax (831) 724-4967 Mehl's Colonial Chapel, 222 E Lake Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 724-6371 Fax (831) 724-6074 WEAVERVILLE–Trinity Co AC/530 [44] 96093 M Population 3,554 Forrest Funeral Home, 107 Masonic Ln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623-4144 Fax (530) 623-3144 WEST COVINA–Los Angeles Co AC/626 [70,17] 91790 E J Population 105,080 Funeraria Del Angel Pierce Bros W Covina, 2333 W Merced Ave 962-3753 Fax (626) 962-8534 WEST SACRAMENTO–Yolo Co AC/916 [7,72] 95691 M Population 31,615 Acacia Cremation & Burial Society, 1510 Merklely Ave Ste 5 . . . 993-8432 877-916-4779 Fax (916) 389-8902 River Cities Funeral Chapel, 910 Soule St . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371-4535 Fax (916) 371-1214 WESTLAKE VILLAGE–Los Angeles Co AC/818 [17] 91362 E Population 8,368 Valley Oaks Griffin Meml Pk, Mort & Crem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 889-0902 5600 Lindero Canyon Rd Fax (818) 707-3679
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