2016 Funeral Home and Cemetery Directory
2016 Funeral Home & Cemetery Directory
SAN DIEGO CONT'D AC/619 or 858 Merkley-Mitchell Mortuary, 3655 5th Ave(92103) . . . . . . . 619/295-2177 Fax (619) 295-6039 Preferred Cremation & Burial, 6527 University Ave(92115) 619/584-7000 Fax (619) 584-7030 San Diego Funeral Service, 6334 University Ave(92115) . . . 619/270-9297 Fax (619) 583-0100 Thresholds H And Family-Directed Fnls, 2560 B St(92102) . 619/358-9254 Fax (619) 358-9292 Williams San Diego Mem Chl, 2441 University Ave(92104) 619/692-3090 Fax (619) 692-0896
SAN FERNANDO–Los Angeles Co AC/818 [17,73]
Population 23,564 Guerra-Gutierrez J T Oswald Mort, 1001 N Maclay Ave(91340) 361-6283 Fax (818) 365-2633 Sholom Chapels Mort At Sholom Meml Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 899-5216 13017 N Lopez Canyon Rd(91342) Fax (818) 890-4606 SAN FRANCISCO–San Francisco Co AC/415 [46,47] O Population 776,733 Ashley & McMullen Funerals, 4200 Geary Blvd(94118) . . . . . . . 751-8403 Fax (415) 751-8486 Bay Area Crm & Funl Srvs Inc, 4444 Geary Blvd Ste 305(94118) 508-0823 800-916-4888 Fax (888) 381-6220 Bryant Mortuary, 635 Fulton St(94102). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 861-4559 Fax (415) 861-2691 College Chapel Mortuary, 3434 17th St(94110) . . . . . . . . . . . . 824-1313 Fax (415) 861-9866 SAN FRANCISCO CONT'D NEXT PAGE
C OLMA C REMATION & F UNERAL S ERVICES A Family Company Providing Affordable Solutions TOLL FREE (888) 757-7888 FAX (650) 757-7901 SERVING THE BAY AREA and the EIGHTEEN CEMETERIES IN COLMA 7747 EL CAMINO REAL - COLMA, CA 94014 Receiving for Church and Cemetery Services CREMATIONS FD-1522
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