2016 Funeral Home and Cemetery Directory
2016 Funeral Home & Cemetery Directory
KISSIMMEE CONT'D AC/407 Osceola Memory Grdns Cmtry Fnl Hm & Crem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 847-2494 1717 Old Boggy Creek Rd(34744) Fax (407) 847-0765 OSCEOLA MEMORY GARDENS CEMETERY FUNERAL HOMES & CREMATORY Serving Osceola & Orange County Since 1958 www.osceolamemgds.com 1717 Old Boggy Creek Rd. Kissimmee, FL 34744 (407) 847-2494 (407) 847-0765 Fax 2000 13th Street St. Cloud, FL 34769 (407) 957-2511 (407) 957-2527 Fax Two Locations to Serve You Porta Coeli F H & Crm, 2801 E Osceola Pkwy(34743) . . . . . . . . 846-2804 Fax (407) 518-0797
LAKE CITY–Columbia Co AC/386 [10]
Population 9,980 Combs Funeral Home, 292 NE Washington St(32055) . . . . . . . 752-4366 Fax (386) 752-4367 Cooper Funeral Home, 251 NE Washington St(32055) . . . . . . . 752-3566 Fax (386) 752-3567 Dees-Parrish Family Funeral Home, 458 S Marion Ave(32025). . 752-1234 Fax (386) 752-7006 D EES- P ARRISH F AMILY F UNERAL H OME Debra Parrish Dees Evans, LFD • Wes Markham, LFD • Chris Starling, LFD Family Owned & Operated 386-752-1234 458 S. Marion Ave., Lake City, FL 32025 • One Block North of VA Hospital Gateway-Forest Lawn Funeral Home, 3596 Hwy 441 S(32056) . 752-1954 Fax (386) 752-2238 Guerry Funeral Home, 2659 SW Main Blvd(32025) . . . . . . . . . . 752-2414 800-835-4508 Fax (386) 755-0989 I C S Cremation & Funeral Home, 357 NW Wilks Ln(32055) . . . 752-3436 866-935-9273 Fax (386) 755-2650 Mizell's Funeral Home, 365 NW Washington St(32055) . . . . . . 752-3166 Fax (386) 752-3166 Population 1,458 A Community Funeral Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407/841-4424 & Sunset Cremations 910 W Michigan Street, Orlando, FL 32805 800-335-4656 Fax (407) 841-4454 (See Ad Orlando) LAKE PLACID–Highlands Co AC/863 [30] 33852 E M Population 1,668 Brochetti, Michael A, Funeral Home Inc, 404 Plaza Ave. . . . . . . 465-9997 Scott Seawinds F H & Crm, 504 W Interlake Blvd . . . . . . . . . . . 465-4134 Fax (863) 465-5666 Joe’s Cell ~ 386.623.9187 Lory’s Cell ~ 386.623.1028 Home 386.758.5814 Fax 386.752.6914 LONG AND SHORT DISTANCE TRANSPORT Scott Seawinds Funeral Home & Crematory Scott J. Hanks, L.F.D. (863) 465-4134 Fax (863) 465-5666 Serving Lake Placid and Venus www.scottfuneralservices.com shank@stonemor.com 504 W Interlake Blvd LAKE PLACID, FL 33852 Population 21,886 Schelm, Paul, Funeral Home, 12687 SW Kings Hwy CR 769 . . . 625-3535 888-822-3535 Fax (941) 625-3615 LAKE WALES–Polk Co AC/863 [11,32] 33853 E M Population 10,194 A Community Funeral Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407/841-4424 & Sunset Cremations 910 W Michigan Street, Orlando, FL 32805 800-335-4656 Fax (407) 841-4454 (See Ad Orlando) LAKE WALES CONT'D NEXT PAGE North Central Florida Removal Service LLC LORY CHANCY (Owner) LIC # FR-0181 207 SW Lory Gln ~ Lake City, FL 32024 LAKE MARY–Seminole Co AC/407 [18] 32746 AE LAKE SUZY–De Soto Co AC/941 [22] 34269 O
1-800-247-8315 KISSIMME
813-855-2439 FAX: 1-800-705-7505 hollowayfh@tampabay.rr.com 112 Bayview Blvd. Oldsmar, FL 34677
Shipping or Cremation $765 No Mileage Add-Ons
Independently Owned & Operated
LABELLE–Hendry Co AC/863 [5] 33935
Population 4,210 Akin-Davis Funeral Home, 560 E Hickpochee Ave . . . . . . . . . . . 675-2125 800-245-2125 Fax (863) 675-7604 (See Ad Fort Myers) LADY LAKE–Lake Co AC/352 [12,18] 32159 E Population 11,828 A Community Funeral Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407/841-4424 & Sunset Cremations 910 W Michigan Street, Orlando, FL 32805 800-335-4656 Fax (407) 841-4454 (See Ad Orlando) Beyers Funeral Home & Crematory, 134 N US Highway 441. . . . 753-4444 877-501-4545 Fax (352) 753-3788
LAKE BUTLER–Union Co AC/386 [8] 32054
Population 1,927 Archer Funeral Home, 55 N Lake Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496-2008 Fax (386) 496-1956
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