2016 Funeral Home and Cemetery Directory
2016 Funeral Home & Cemetery Directory
AUBURNDALE–Polk Co AC/863 [11,32] 33823
BEVERLY HILLS CONT'D AC/352 Hooper Funeral Homes & Crematory, 5054 N Lecanto Hwy. . . . 726-2271 888-746-6737 Fax (352) 726-1801 BIG PINE KEY–Monroe Co AC/305 [9] 33043 F Population 5,032 Dean-Lopez Funeral Home Big Pine, 31140 Overseas Hwy . . . . 872-2929 Fax (305) 872-2965 BLOUNTSTOWN–Calhoun Co AC/850 [20,29] 32424 L Population 2,444 Adams Funeral Home, 18034 Main St N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 674-5449 Fax (850) 674-5258 Peavy Funeral Home, 20367 NW Evans Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 674-2266 Fax (850) 674-2267 Vann Funeral Home Chapel, 704 Martin Luther King Ave . . . . . 674-3355 Fax (850) 482-5363 BOCA RATON–Palm Beach Co AC/561 [4,31] B H Population 74,764
Population 11,032 Kersey Funeral Home, 108 E Lake Stella Dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 967-1167 Fax (863) 967-7580
Ott-Laughlin Funeral Home At Glen Abbey, 2198 K Ville Ave. . . 967-8558 Fax (863) 965-1918 Ott - Laughlin FUNERAL HOME AT GLEN ABBEY “Serving the Aurburndale Area Since 1933” (863) 967-8558 2198 K Ville Avenue Auburndale, FL Population 25,267 Riverside-Gordon Memorial Chapels, 20955 Biscayne Blvd . . . . 935-3939 Fax (305) 931-7257 AVON PARK–Highlands Co AC/863 [30] 33825 E M Population 8,542 Fountain Funeral Home & Crematory, 507 US Highway 27 N. . . 453-3134 800-533-2996 Fax (863) 453-2032 Stephenson-Nelson Funeral Home, 111 E Circle St. . . . . . . . . . . 453-3101 Fax (863) 453-4562 Stephenson-Nelson Funeral Home & Crematory — Serving Since 1927 — Chris T. Nelson, Owner-Operator, LFD • Craig M. Nelson, LFD (863) 453-3101 www.stephensonnelsonfh.com 111 E. Circle Street AVON PARK, FL 33825 Population 15,340 Gause Funeral Home, 625 S Holland Pkwy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533-9084 Fax (863) 533-2864 Whidden-McLean Funeral Home, 650 E Main St . . . . . . . . . . . . 533-8123 Fax (863) 533-3010 Williams Funeral Home, 760 S 5th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533-0366 Fax (863) 533-6681 BELLE GLADE–Palm Beach Co AC/561 [4,31] 33430 H Population 14,906 Glades Funeral Chapel, 1040 N Main St . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 996-6122 Fax (561) 996-8662 Taylor-Smith-West F H, 900 Dr Martin Luther King Dr Blvd W . . 996-3048 Fax (561) 996-5667 Torres Sanchez Funeral Home, 2296 E Canal St S. . . . . . . . . . . . 996-6722 BELLEAIR BLUFFS–Pinellas Co AC/727 [24] 33770 M Population 2,243 Hubbell Funeral Home And Crematory, 499 N Indian Rocks Rd . 584-7671 Fax (727) 584-1073 BELLEVIEW–Marion Co AC/352 [17] 34421 E M Population 3,478 Hiers-Baxley Funl Servs Belleview Chapel, 5946 SE Robinson Rd. 245-2424 800-371-7307 Fax (352) 245-1535 BEVERLY HILLS–Citrus Co AC/352 [2,17] 34465 M Population 8,317 Fero Funeral Home With Crematory, 5955 N Lecanto Hwy. . . . . 746-4551 Fax (352) 746-5004 WHIDDEN-McLEAN FUNERAL HOME 650 E. Main Street Bartow, FL 33830 863/533/8123 FAX 863/533/3010 FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED AVENTURA–Dade Co AC/305 [4,15] 33180 F BARTOW–Polk Co AC/863 [11,30,32] 33830 M
$ 595 . 00 SHIPPING
BOCA RATON 1-800-443-5336 AllCountyMortuary.com
Babione F H West Chl, 10060 Calle Comercio(33428). . . . . . . . 483-9500 Fax (561) 852-9929 Babione-Kraeer F H East Chl, 1100 N Federal Hwy(33432) . . . . 395-8787 Fax (561) 750-8497
800-338-3761 239-774-9102 www.bergenfuneral.com
Boca Raton Funeral Hm & Cremation Servs ............... 852-4332 19785 Hampton Dr Ste 1(33434) Fax (561) 852-7088 Gary Panoch F H & Cremations, 6140 N Federal Hwy(33487) . . 997-8580 866-997-8580 Fax (561) 997-8506
Member - Rotary, Elks, NFDA, K of C
Family Owned & Operated Gary Panoch, LFD 866-997-8580 Phone 561-997-8580 6140 N Federal Hwy
Minutes From: Boca Community Hospital West Boca Medical Center Delray Medical Center
Boca Raton, FL 33487
1-800-247-8315 BOCA RATON
813-855-2439 FAX: 1-800-705-7505 hollowayfh@tampabay.rr.com 112 Bayview Blvd. Oldsmar, FL 34677
Shipping or Cremation $765 No Mileage Add-Ons
Independently Owned & Operated
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