2016 Funeral Home and Cemetery Directory
U.S. FUNERAL HOMES........................................................................1 Listings of Funeral Homes throughout the United States by State, then City, then Firm Name. City headings include county, area code, air shipping point code, population, and reference number for daily newspaper servicing the city. Firm listings include physical address and phone/fax information. CANADA..........................................................................................962 Listings of Canadian Funeral Homes by Province, then City, then Firm Name. Listings include physical address and phone/fax information. Listings of Canadian Daily Newspapers include address and phone/fax information. INTERNATIONAL..............................................................................997 Listings of international funeral homes with paid advertisements. A more extensive listing of international funeral homes can be found in the on-line directories on our website at www.nomispublications.com. International Shipping Regulations begin on page 1002. Listings for Consulates begin on page 1023. TRADE SERVICES...........................................................................1033 These yellow pages contain listings of those firms whose primary business is aiding the funeral director with final disposition. Included are Autopsy/ Pathology Services, Burials at Sea, Cremated Remains Scattering Services, Crematories, Cremation Services/Societies, Cryonic Suspension, DNA Retrieval, Mummifying Services, Organ/Tissue Procurement, Shipping/ Embalming Services, Transportation of Human Remains and Trauma Clean- up. U. S. CEMETERIES..........................................................................1135 These grey pages include listings of active cemeteries throughout the United States by State, then City, then Firm Name. City headings include county, area code, and population. Firm listings include physical address and phone/fax information. VETERANS AFFAIRS FACILITIES....................................................1313 Listings of Regional Offices, Cemeteries and Medical Centers by State include address and phone/fax information. U. S. DAILY NEWSPAPERS.............................................................1322 Listings of Daily Newspaper throughout the United States for placing obituaries. Listed by state and corresponding reference number including paper name, address, phone/fax information, e-mail and website.
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